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About Brant Hansen
Brant Hansen has no idea what he’s doing. He keeps showing up, and people keep asking him to do stuff, and he keeps saying yes.
Except when he has to say no, and then he feels kinda guilty about it.
He has ideas, and sometimes they leak out on paper or over the airwaves, and people read them, or hear them, and then look at him funny.
He likes toast so much that he can’t really allow himself to eat it anymore. He used to eat a loaf of burnt, dry toast every morning to start the day. He has had to back off. He realizes he has a problem.
He doesn’t want to brag about it or anything, but he was PRESIDENT of the Illinois Student Librarians Association. He was also All-Conference in “Scholastic Bowl”, and lettered in basketball and football (both for keeping statistics) and was President of his own Stamp Collector Club, which consisted of himself.
Brant always looks inappropriately intense. He can’t help it.
He also has nystagmus, which causes his eyes to shake and his head to move involuntarily. He’s always been ashamed of this, but it is what it is. Brant’s wife thinks he’s handsome anyway, so when he’s around her, he doesn’t have to think about it.
Brant is really, really skeptical. More skeptical than skeptics, as it turns out, especially the one-way sort who are only skeptical of religious claims, but not themselves.
He thinks Jesus is the only person who really makes sense. Jesus said “No one is good but God” and this affirms Brant’s observations of himself, others, and all of human history.
Brant is diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. It causes him to say things you’re not supposed to say, apparently. But he asks God to please, please help him not to hurt people, but to be a blessing to them.
Brant is thankful for anyone who wants to be friends, but he gravitates to outcasts and weirdos, because they’re usually nice to him.
You can hear his story featured on
About Sherri Lynn
Sherri Lynn has been a radio professional for well over a decade. She has her degree in Communications as well as Biblical Studies. Sherri is a writer, comedienne, and former youth pastor. She wrote and produced a comedy DVD entitled “The Very Funny Church Comedy Show: Together We Laugh”, wrote and starred in the stage play musical “The Bold and the Sanctified” which starred American Idol Winner Ruben Studdard, and authored the book “I Want To Punch You In The Face But I Love Jesus.”
You can hear her story featured on