“Joy to the world, the Lord is come . . .”
I read that “Joy to the World” is the most loved Christmas song. I think we all long for joy. Yet it’s an elusive thing, especially at Christmas! There can be so many joy stealers–busyness, the culture around us, family hassles and hurts, job and financial pressures, guilt! Even with happy faces, our hearts may be like the Grinch’s, “two sizes too small.”
So how can we be joyful when life is anything but? One person put it this way,
“Joy is the flag that flies on the castle of the heart when the King is in residence.’
Joy is Jesus in me.
The Psalmist said, “In Your presence is fullness of joy.”
Isaiah foretold the joy of Emmanuel–God with us.
Paul rejoiced in God’s indescribable gift–His Son living in us.
The song-writer wrote,
‘Let every heart prepare Him room.’
So how can we foil joy stealers this Christmas! Here’s my plan: I’ll take time to prepare in my heart room for Jesus, a heart enlarged by His presence, worshiping at the manger, with the flag of joy waving! And this is my prayer for you as well!
Merry Christmas!