Submitted by: Rebecca Chapman
My now husband Janson and I were the best of friends. It started back in 2014 when we started hanging out in our grad year of high school. We met, we clicked, and he fell for me. I didn’t feel the same way towards him and didn’t want to ruin our great friendship either. We remained as close friends for a few years while I was in and out of relationships. We would often go out for dinners together, showing up wearing matching outfits by accident, and he would always pay the bill!
In March of 2017, we decided to go on an adventure together. It was his idea, a place that he wanted to see for a long time. He wanted to see a beautiful waterfall called Myra Falls on Vancouver Island. We drove 4 and a half hours to get there on a cold winter day. While we were admiring the waterfall, I took one step too close to the edge and slipped in. My body was thrown into the rapids and Janson, my friend, was running along the frozen rocks screaming my name in desperation. I fell down the 50ft waterfall and then plunged into the thick rapids again. A log was somehow placed stationary in the rapids. I was able to crawl on top of it. In this moment, I felt the power of God and I had an understanding of how big and mighty He is.
Janson was able to find me and by putting his life at risk, he crawled down the icy rocks and hung his body over the cliff to reach my hands and pull me out. God truly had His hand on us that day. While Janson was crawling down the rocks towards me, he was crying out to God for His strength to show up and to carry us out of this situation alive.
The next three months after my accident, I was recovering from my injuries at home and Janson would come over most days to see me and help with my daily needs. I started seeing him in a different light through this experience and found myself now, falling for him.
Within a few months of my accident, we started dating and a few months after that we were engaged. “When you know, you know!” We just knew that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. I am so thankful that I married my best friend. We have been happily married for 2 and a half years now. We are thankful to have experienced His steadfast love and how He moves in mysterious and powerful ways.

We are pleased to bring Share the Love to you in partnership with Ben Moss Jewellers.
