Submitted by: Jodi Bigelow
Love Is a Verb.
It’s action, not always felt, or given back. It’s a commitment for better or worse. It’s saying I will act with love even though I do not receive love.
I didn’t know my vows would be tested so hard and within the first 2 and a half years of marriage.
Those first two years where amazing. I met the one, the man of my dreams. We were happy and fulfilled.
But this fairytale came to a cross roads. Love took on a new meaning. It wasn’t just a feeling anymore it was action.
My husband was hit in the face by a softball which triggered a deadly virus in his brain and it destroyed a large portion of his brain. Everything about my husband has changed.
Our love went from snuggling on the couch while watching a movie, date nights, vacations, fun outings, to hospital beds, surgeries, seizures, brain damage, memory loss, personality change. I went from wife to caretaker. My love turned into action. My love turned into a verb.
My husband is a miracle and though our love doesn’t look the same anymore it’s a love that shows what God can do if you trust him and keep giving Him the glory.
It’s been 15 years now and I’ve beat the odds. I’m still married to my husband and love is still a verb. God has shown me so much over the years. And in the simple things I see my husbands love for me.

We are pleased to bring Share the Love to you in partnership with Ben Moss Jewellers.
