It’s easy to praise when God answers prayer in astounding ways, isn’t it? The real challenge is to praise Him before that answer comes, and even if the answer is not the one you want.
How is that possible? Sometimes it comes down to simple obedience. God doesn’t tell us to praise Him when we feel like it; He tells us to praise Him all the time, anywhere.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
We all want peace, and these verses tell us how to have it. Peace comes when we tell God what we need and thank Him for handling it. That takes a lot of faith! It takes practice. But you know what? You’re not alone if this is hard for you. Brandon Lake’s song, “Praise You Anywhere” was written from a heart that knows pain and chooses to praise God anywhere. He says,
Sometimes you’ve gotta dance through the darkness
Sing through the fire
Praise when it don’t make sense
Sometimes you’ve gotta stare down the giant
Worship from the lion’s den
I’ll praise You anywhere
Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise
In my highest grace, give Him praise, give Him praise
In my highest, He is worthy
Yes, He is worthy of all of the praise
This is a declaration, my friend. Dance THROUGH the darkness — not because of it, not to ignore it, but to face it with Jesus and go through it.
- What is your darkness today?
- What’s your fire?
- What doesn’t make sense?
- What giant is blocking your view?
- What lion is terrifying you?
God is bigger than all those things. Praise Him Anywhere and He will show you how big He is!