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28 Days of Hope – Day 11
Elijah was bold and courageous. He represented God and spoke the truth in a culture that was clinging to lies and idolatry. On Mount Carmel, there was a visible and undeniable display of the supernatural power of God. Elijah had a showdown with the leaders and worshippers of the false god Baal. They called on their deity who is impotent and nothing happened. Then Elijah called on God who is omnipotent and fire came down from heaven. This memorable display resulted in everyone seeing God’s greatness and dominion. There are many times in Scripture when God establishes His presence with signs and wonders. After this astounding victory, Elijah begins to fear Queen Jezebel, and hides in a cave. Many believers have seen God’s mighty works and yet are content to retreat in the present moment. You can talk about the old glory days while missing what God wants to do now because you are checked out and unavailable.
God’s question asks both, “What are you doing here in the cave?” and “What are you doing here on earth?” Elijah has too wonderful a calling to reside in a cave because he is scared. There is no hope in the cave. He is in the wrong place. Rest is good, eating some nourishing food is good, receiving God’s hope and courage is good. But don’t stay in the cave of fear. There is a part of us that wants to run away from all threats and danger, play it safe, always be liked, never rebuke anyone, retire and relax for years and decades. God is using a question to lead Elijah to get back in the game. Christianity is not a spectator sport. The apostle Paul, who mentored Timothy, reminded him that God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind.
None of us can live in the past. We celebrate what God has done and learn from our errors, but we can’t go backwards in time. Elijah is stuck in the cave because he has lost hope. He has forgotten that God is greater than the bully he faces. It’s easy to be intimidated and silent. It’s easy to run away from the mission. It’s easy to shrink back instead of stepping up. It’s time to leave the cave, find your voice, and regain your confidence in God. Take back the hope the enemy has stolen. Refuse to be intimidated. Know why you want to heal and move forward. This isn’t just about you. What God has called you to be and accomplish is for your family, friends, community, and nation. You can shine light in the darkness and not just watch the deterioration happen. The best is yet to come, and God’s hope is too wonderful to be trapped in a cave. The land will be filled with the glory of God. Shift from passive to intentional.
Hope Point: We can be intentional and bold in sharing our faith.
Hope Story: Elijah in 1 Kings 18:16-19:18
- How proactive are you to lead people to God?
- Do you believe that as Christians we can share our faith at work and in our social circles? What are the obstacles in our way?
- Do you feel as if the world is winning and Christians need to hide what they believe? Give some examples of how we might be “hiding in the cave.”
- How can you be bold in your faith, full of hope, but not arrogant or self-righteous?
Forgive me, God, for giving in to worry and fears. When I take my eyes off You, I often feel hopeless. I don’t want to hide or be buried in despair. As I return to You, raise me up with Your courage and love. I know You have a rich purpose and deep meaning for me daily. I will stand up with boldness in an ungodly world. I pray this in Your name Jesus, amen.
28 Days of Hope is a journey together, as we rediscover and recommit to God’s indestructible hope in transformative ways. As you begin this journey, you’ll experience a sense of excitement about what God is going to do. If you have a desire to grow in your faith, strengthen your relationships, gain wisdom, cultivate new habits, experience more peace, and live daily with purpose and passion, then you are in the right place. Just Choose Hope
Brought to you by Walton Beverage.