Advent. A time to reflect, to anticipate, to hope. A time to rejoice that we are alive in Christ and to remind ourselves that we are still waiting for our full redemption. A time to give thanks that Jesus has come, and to look forward to when He will come again. A time to remember that the best is yet to come.
As we wait for Christmas Day, we are reminded that Israel waited for their Messiah for thousands of years. They waited as they also went about their everyday lives, just like we do. But there was one woman whose entire life revolved around waiting in anticipation for the coming of the Messiah.
This woman was Anna. In Luke 2:36-38 we learn that Anna was a woman who had been widowed after only seven years of marriage. When we meet her, she is 84 years old! That means she had been alone for nearly 60 years of her life. And because there is no record saying she had children, we also know that Anna had no status, income, or protection.
If anyone had reason to be depressed, it was Anna. Overlooked, poor, without relatives. Where could anyone find comfort and joy given those circumstances in their life?
Anna found consolation in God. Her life became one of continual worship-and it brought her great joy! Worship is the best remedy for despair. Anna chose worship and prayer, and she loved God so much that she rarely left the temple. Though most people didn’t even look in her direction, she knew God’s eye was on her and that was more than enough.
As a widow, Anna might have become a beggar. We don’t know how she had enough money to eat or pay for a home, but somehow God provided. And rather than being a burden to society, the Word says she was a prophetess. A prophet speaks truth. Anna was a truth-teller for the Lord. Can you imagine how God must have used her through all those years as a silent intercessor and encouragement to His people?
While most of the world couldn’t see that Jesus was the Messiah, it was easy for Anna to recognize Him. The Lord brought her to the temple right when Mary and Joseph were dedicating Jesus, and she was not confused by his humble disguise of poverty and infancy. Her heart was attuned to truth because her eyes were fixed on God, and the Holy Spirit told her who Jesus was. And her joy overflowed with thanks and proclamation.
What are our eyes fixed on today? Are they fixed on a depressing newsfeed? On all the things we cannot do during COVID? On all the ways that Christmas will be different this year? Or are they fixed on Jesus? Do we recognize Him today, even when He comes to us in disguise?
When we lift our eyes to Jesus and worship Him, we are choosing joy. And our worshipful anticipation will open our eyes, just like Anna’s, to recognize our Messiah.
-by Elizabeth Griffin
Elizabeth Griffin is a senior writer at CRISTA Ministries. Her journey as a mom of a child with autism can be followed on her blog “Follow the Dots” at