We put together a list of Advent Devotionals that can help you create a more meaningful season with your family. Stay focused on the true reason for the season – Jesus!
The Cast of the Christmas Story – this devotional was put together last year with guest writers on AllMomDoes. It is a way to look at all the characters in the Christmas story, how they all tied together and why God cast the story the way he did.
She Reads Truth – She Reads Truth has excellent devotional materials for the whole family. They have an entire advent series including She Reads Truth, He Reads Truth and Kids Read Truth.
Shepherd and the Search – If you aren’t familiar with Shepherd on the Search then you are in for a treat. It is a lot like Elf on the Shelf but with a Shepherd. I reviewed this last year. Well, I’m thrilled that the creators of this came out with a devotion this year to go along with it.
Sacred Holidays – We have two advent studies for you to celebrate that He Is For All this Christmas! Choose from-one focused on the Christmas story, For All, and the other focused on celebrating the attributes of God, He Is. Founder, Becky Kiser, was just on our podcast The Modern Motherhood Podcast so listen ahead of time for more insight into her studies.
Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas – This is Ann Voskamp’s devotion for the season. “Person by person, story by story, retrace the lineage of Jesus. Fall in love with Him all over again as you experience God’s plan of salvation for usfrom the Garden of Eden to the manger and beyond.”
Reason for the Season – This is a downloadable e-book featured on Women Living Well. “24 Ready-Made Family Devotions that will put the focus back on Christ and Christmas. Starting December 1st there is a verse, discussion starter, short lesson, activity, prayer and then an optional extra activity that you can do with your children!”
Billy Graham Association – Request a free download of Billy Graham’s advent devotional, Arrival: Preparing to Celebrate Christ’s Birth.
Desiring God – “Good News of Great Joy: Daily Readings for Advent contains 25 short devotional readings beginning December 1 and going through Christmas Day. This book of Advent meditations aims to put Jesus at the center of your holiday season. These readings are excerpted from the works John Piper and correspond to the readings in the daily devotional Solid Joys.”
Focus on the Family – “O Holy Night” is the title of Focus on the Family’s 2017 Advent calendar. Get 23 Scripture readings and devotions, along with a new object or Bible character to create your family’s own Nativity scene! You can sign up on their Website. It starts 12/03.
Christianity Today – A 30-day devotional to help individuals and families journey through the 2018 Advent season. It appears to be sold out in hard copy, but you can request digital downloads for your church.
Finding Jesus: A Christmas Devotional – “Finding Jesus” was written for you. The woman who wants to dig a little deeper this Christmas. The woman who longs to use the season to celebrate without losing sight of the Savior we are honoring. The woman with grand plans to do all the things every year, but who quickly gets overwhelmed and gives up. The woman who longs to find Jesus in a new way this Christmas. With just five entries, this devotional gives opportunities to draw closer to the Savior we celebrate without adding more chaos and pressure to the holiday season.
Emmanuel: Sixteen Encounters with Jesus – You can sign up to receive daily e-mails with supplementary conversations. This is a study published by if:gathering.
There are many resources available as we walk into the advent season! I hope that you find the perfect one for your family to gather together and grow deeper in relationship with each other and Christ.