A pink tipped white rose.
That’s how our youngest son told us they were expecting a baby girl! Now you need to know that my dad had two boys. I have two boys and my oldest son has two boys with a third on the way. So, this is a generational ‘game changer’ for the Boumas. I frankly am not sure how I will ‘deal’ with a baby girl. I have no experience. Yet, like a first baby of either kind, it really does come natural once you are in that moment.
God gave us all different gifts and abilities, but there are a few things he gives to everyone. Love is one of those. And, His gift of love is a well, so deep, that no matter how many people you choose to love, the love for each one does NOT diminish because we love another! How cool is that.
So, don’t be afraid of adding to your list of people you love. Whether they are brought into the family from marriage or birth, or, if they are brought into your life through the providential hand of God! You’ve got enough Love in you for all of them.