Congratulations on finishing the 28 Days of Hope! You have begun a wonderful new rhythm of receiving and giving hope daily. As we wrap up this time together, you are probably wondering what’s next? Here are some practical next steps you can take.
First, embrace God’s perspective which is full of hope. Think of this point as more of a starting line than a finishing line. The God of hope has begun a great work in you, and He is faithful to complete it. You are called and empowered by God to receive and give hope daily where you live, work, learn, and play. Why settle for less than what God has for you? This inner conviction leads to a greater devotion.
Second, embrace God’s power which will fuel your hope. You have been given the Holy Spirit and the word of God. Over the last 28 days, you have been cultivating a powerful habit of spending time in His word and in His presence. Why go backwards and drift in your faith? Continue forward with daily Scripture and surrender to the Spirit. God wants to fill you with His hope. Select a time of the day and a Bible reading plan to nourish your soul. Find a friend or family member who will join you. Be intentional with this life-giving habit.
Third, embrace God’s purpose which multiplies hope. There are many ways you can bring hope to your family, friends, and your church family. Decide to serve others in some specific and regular ways. Identify a plan. You will set yourself up for success and grow in your faith. May your home and church become places filled with God’s presence and hope. There is a pattern of progression with how God moves to bring transformation: your heart, your home, your church family, then your city. In the book of Acts, the hope of God spreads to the entire world in this way. God has a plan, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. You can live with great hope and confidence in God even during the fiercest challenges. Our hope is resilient and defiant, refusing to be passive and make excuses. God will light your soul on fire because you are the light of the world. The darkness will not win. God will prevail and you are His ambassador of hope. You are in full-time ministry. There are no limits to what God can do because Jesus is risen. Jesus is our living hope.
As you look ahead, here is one additional consideration. If you have enjoyed the 28 Days of Hope, you can invite others to participate. Share the content with them or join them and repeat the 28-day experience. God’s hope is available for everyone. Hope gifts, hope shifts, hope habits and hope impact are foundational and inspirational. I am convinced that if we learn to abide with Jesus, we will bear much fruit. If we are filled with God’s Spirit and word, there will be a revival and reformation across our land. If we live with God’s courageous hope, we will see cities turn to the Savior and healing in our families and churches. God is able to do exceedingly more than we can ask, think, or even imagine when we choose to trust Him. The God of hope is eternal. Jesus is full of hope. God’s Spirit and word teach us: Hope is relational. Hope is habitual. Hope is indestructible.
Just Choose Hope
28 Days of Hope is a journey together, as we rediscover and recommit to God’s indestructible hope in transformative ways. As you begin this journey, you’ll experience a sense of excitement about what God is going to do. If you have a desire to grow in your faith, strengthen your relationships, gain wisdom, cultivate new habits, experience more peace, and live daily with purpose and passion, then you are in the right place. Just Choose Hope
Brought to you by Walton Beverage.