Steve Sunshine
Assistant Program Dir/Content Assistant
My real last name is Sunshine. So it’s amazing that my wife Gaye was willing to marry me – since it made her name Gaye Sunshine. We have a daughter named Camille who is recently married and lives in Chicago with Ryan who is simultaneously her husband and our son-in-law. They are a pair of quirky intellectuals, both planning on grad school. Our son Meyer is in high school and loves playing football. He makes friends everywhere he goes. We adopted Meyer from Haiti in 2008. It took us three years and was, without a doubt, the biggest step of faith in our lives.
I didn’t grow up as a Christian and not come to know Jesus until I was 30. My (future) wife played a huge part in my journey by patiently answering my questions.
Having been a cynical non-Christian in the past helps me to relate to people who have negative pre-conceived notions. I love being part of the CRISTA family!
You can hear his story featured on

Ty McFarland
Program Director
Ty began his career in radio by doing what every radio disc jockey does. They go alone, into a small, padded, soundproofed room, and they talk into a lump of metal–a completely inanimate object–to “people” they can’t see, and then they imagine that these “people” hear them. These “deejays” cover their ears with earmuffs and “hear music and voices” — that’s also considered a normal part of the routine. In other professional fields, this is known as “hallucinating” or “having delusions” and possibly other symptoms of psychosis. In radio, this is known as “doing your job”. Ty enjoyed many years of working on-the-air during mornings, afternoons, and evenings (basically, he just never got to work during normal work hours) on various radio stations.
Tragically, Ty became so increasingly difficult to work with as a DJ, that his bosses decided to solve their recalcitrant staffing problem by promoting him, instead of telling him that he could no longer be on the air. They told him that he was a “straight shooter with upper management written all over him” and invited him into the wonderful world of leadership. This worked. Ty has been a “Program Director” now for most of his career, and he is simply amazed that it’s considered a real job.
Ty’s been married to his wife Tonya since 1995, and he absolutely loves being a dad to his daughter, Audrey. He loves the Lord Jesus, and is profoundly in awe of what God has done for all of us, through the cross and resurrection.

Rebecca Joy
Programming & Content Manager
You will find me wandering the pages of our Website and social media, managing our blog allmomdoes.com (have you visited yet?) interacting with your comments and bringing you content that I hope brings you joy, uplifts your spirit and encourages your soul.
I am married to my wonderful hubby, Kyle and we have 2 silly kids. Sometimes my husband and I look at each other and wonder what we ever did before we had kids! The only thing I can remember is binge watching Netflix….a lot.
I have two busy kids, work full-time and attempt to balance both well. I don’t always succeed but I try to remember to celebrate when I do. Just recently I forgot to feed my kids dinner and then got mad at them when they were hungry at bedtime. They got a full lecture on the benefits of sitting still and eating at dinnertime before I realized. Not every day can be perfect. I’ve learned that’s okay.
I never drank coffee until I moved to an area of the country where there are coffee stands on every corner and the value of your house increases if you are in walking distance of a Starbucks. I love to start my day with a Vanilla latte and end each day with a piece of chocolate.
I never knew how much God cared about the details until we were in a situation where we had to short sale our house, rent for 6 years and watch as God led us on an unexpected journey. What I learned? He will absolutely take care of you, if you let him.
Life is good and rich and hard. I believe if we practice being grateful it gets even better.